Oh baby. As an avid roguelike and deckbuilder fan this was very fun to play. The theme is also really hot, though I do wish there was some way for the fitness transformations to be represented as well on the character models.
Some gameplay specific suggestions:
- Only drawing a limited amount of cards per turn cuts down on the combos that you're able to play and frontloads most of the transformations into the beginning of the game rather than spacing things out more evenly.
- This is further compounded by the shuffling mechanic only occuring on turn end rather than upon reaching an empty deck, because it means that on some turns you have to play more slowly in order to get the full potential of drawing cards.
- The maximum hand size is also a factor here. 7 is quite small (compared to Slay the Spire's 10, for example) and cuts down on a lot of potential card draw strategies, especially in combination with the shuffling mechanic. Rather than being able to set up a combo with Drink It All Up following a massive card draw (say using Body Positivity at 40 weight to turn the tables on your opponent), the card is limited at a conditional +3 and takes a significant effort to set up, which kinda sucks for a card that costs energy.
Overall this was super fun and really well done for a prototype, and it definitely achieves the goal of being a hot transformation game. It just doesn't quite feel like a fluid card game yet.