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Yeah, I just got this bug too... in the final boss fight. On Hard Mode. Kinda put a damper on my victory (no triple subjugate for me). Especially since, Hard Mode apparently only gives a mere 4 bonus points (plus a hint for something extra), which is just 1 more than Normal Mode, and... this time around, I had to spend that 1 extra point just on stripping Olive.

Incidentally, on the subject of Olive and ridiculously hard to get extra secrets... what exactly is the thing that you get if you tie her at Rock Paper Scissors and then get a 10? I stumbled upon that as well somehow, but never got any sort of explanation for exactly what the secret I supposedly unlocked was.

Yeah, Olive has a higher armor break resistance since she doesn't have any defensive moves, so you may need to invest a point or two into your armor break attack.  I might bump it down a little for the next version. Thanks for the feedback!