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(1 edit)

Just finished playing this! The artwork fits well with the topic and
the will to educate the player about speaking to someone suicidal is a neat intention, although I think the form could be improved.

The part with the introspection feels a bit too much like a lecture.
No matter what you think, the answer comes like something final. Like, it's a bit too abrupt. It feels a bit like this is absolute, but without explaining why. (I don't know if I translate my thoughts right, I struggle a bit with the wording).

I think it would help if the answer didn't come like an outside god announced them. Maybe if the wolf went in the woods and wondered what he did wrong. And he would come up with the answers, with an evolution between his mindset when he talked with the rabbit and when he came back later. If we could see the process as to why the answers are what they are.

Now I don't want to seem like I rant or anything, this is a really cool project and the will to expand awareness about a topic like suicide (and how to talk to someone who thinks about it) is great!

I hope you pass your assignment, you deserve it.