4 hours in, I realised this is indeed not a nsfw-game...
Steam sadly disagrees, so there it's blocked in multiple countries. We kind of hit a middle ground, but yes, without nudity or sex, you can argue it's more of a game with a lot of very specific "fan service" than a "nsfw" game. Some people like that about the game, while others don't, which is why some mods are in the works that add more lewdness to it, in addition to the vibrator mod that already comes with the full game.
Well, tastes differ. I don't need or want hardcore content in games, that's just going on my nerves. I think Didnapper did everything right and for me both titles are among the best JRPGs ever made. The fetish mechanics all make perfect sense within the game system and are not just there for their own sake. It's a real game and fun to play, not just an excuse for showing explicit content like many other nsfw-games. I think I would also enjoy playing it if I wasn't into bondage.
There is nothing wrong with quality, this is a high quality game. Just don’t compare it to Elden Ring or stuff, it’s an old school JRPG with new mechanics and meant to be that way. There are still people around who grew up with that genre and still like playing it. Even more than modern Action-RPGs.