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(4 edits)

And I hadda find out secondhand that after a year of hype, “Low-Fi”‘s gonna miss 2022 …. Guy hasn’t written so much as a single sentence here in ALMOST HALF A YEAR, yet he couldn’t be bothered to come to Itch.Io and announce that kind of H-U-G-E news …?? In case you were still unaware of what devs really think of us noncoding peons, well, there’s your answer.



I mean dude I get how that kind of thing can be upsetting but you don't need to yell on anyone to say that, I've literally just shared objective information about the release date delay announcement.

If you got complaints about the way the dev is sharing information about the game just tell him directly and you may have better chances at getting an answer of some kind.

(6 edits) (-1)

Again, you’re missing the point: I shouldn’t hafta hunt him down just to ask a bloody question about SOMETHING I’VE PAID FOR. He should be HERE, on Itch.Io, regularly volunteering updates to his PAYING CUSTOMERS. What is it about this simple idea that you seem somewhat incapable of grasping …?? Jeeze Louise …. 🙄


I've just told you about a thing I saw on twitter, that's it man. You're hitting the wrong target if your goal is to change anything about how the community posts are handled.

(3 edits)

All of this is moot anyway …. After this last delay, I highly doubt this doesn’t even come out in 2023, either. Insistant promises will mean nothing, as those very same “insistant promises” were made about 2022, 2021 ….


you're a grown ass man, it's a fucking video game, chill out my dude, you're not yelling at customer service