You should also pay a bit more attention okay? I just said to you that it is not my game. I never said you said its a bad game. I meant it as an example the same as you did " if the game is bad it is bad"
In the world of criticism and feedback it's a world of difference. I see what you mean by it and I do understand what you mean. But not everybody else does.
What I am trying to tell you the whole time (I approached you in the wrong way, clearly) is that if you want to help these people by giving them advise about their game then do so. But then actually do! Give them solutions, idea's whatsoever.
Let me get deeper into in yeah?
Criticism is focused on highlighting there faults and not giving solutions. Saying "the end is really bad..." is not giving a solution. You can clearly do that because you did it about the sensitivity part. Right?
Feedback in contrary is actually giving a solution. I would you like the see this I like that at the end, etc etc.
Feedback can also be used in a good way, feedback is more constructive. Criticism can't and is more destructive.
If you say "two criticisms " a creator immediately thinks that its very bad, by using the actual word feedback it will be less aggressive. I know you mean the best for these creators. right?
Something else. I gave you an idea about the sensitivity but you discarded it pretty quickly and btw everyone can adjust their sensitivity.
A lot of other games do like a bit higher sensitivity. But still good that you said that it should be bit lower. Every opinion counts and I agree with that.
Overall, try to bring your "criticism" in a different way. These creators will take you way more serious. Same as you do at your work at your company.
Again I appreciate that you want to help them and that you want to be critical, because that is what they need, but bring it I a different otherwise you will do it for nothing and you won't help them.