Okay first tell me this following:
Installed memory:
System tape:
My example:
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8400T CPU @ 1.70GHz 1.70GHz
Installed memory: 4.00 GB
System tape: 64-bit Operating System, x64-based processor
Hmm... maybe as I heard from the creator when he told to Imnever. You need .dll file or something or maybe because the processor cannot handle it. I'm not sure but I'll try to look more. I also have this error when I try to play the game called "When bad things arrive" Well first time when I try to play this game in my old computer. I got a fatal error like this as well until I realize that I don't have enough RAM. When I got a new computer and try to play "When bad things arrive" It now works.