UPDATE 0009:
Fixed same bug in Dias of Elements, allowing you to leave as a different elemental class. (Sorry for that.)
Updated game to allow creation of own character, doesn't work with main game at the moment. (Creation meaning name, gender, choose one of four classes, and choose your sprite, also one of four for male and female sprites)
When creating your own character it will port you to a separate "game mode" where you wander around facing spirits to level. VERY bare-bones as of right now. But it will get flushed out and eventually added into the game as a visit-able location.
Skills for each class haven't been worked on at all, classes that do have skills are all still set to unlock at level 1, I'll be changing that along with adding armor/equipment geared separately for each class.
Still fine-tuning stats and trying to get difficulty modes flushed out, unfortunately failing at it mainly. Figuring out stats for players and enemies is difficult, can't make it too easy, but can't make it so hard only one tactic works. I'll figure it out.