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Cool game, the lighting effects are great.  I would like to see levels that are a bit less linear and that make use of being able to deactivate the switches, though I understand that you were working under strict time constraints.  I end up scrapping ideas and starting over quite often during jams, so I usually start with something like art or basic movement code that I can reuse pieces of in case I need to switch projects.

Also, just out of curiosity, is there a specific reason for using GameMaker 7 (I am assuming that it was used based on the loading bar) rather than one of the newer iterations?  There's nothing wrong with it (I am actually quite fond of 7, as it was the first engine I used), though it is definitely rare to see nowadays.


I didn't really have time for art, and I'm best at programming rather than drawing, so naturally I made the engine and levels for the game, and left the artwork as bland as possible. Probably a mistake, but oh well.
Also, the spare sprites I had from the other project were simply not useable for this one, so I left them out.
I tried making non-linear levels (like the first one with multiple switches), but it didn't really work out. It would need another switch type, and I didn't have time to implement that.

I'm using game maker 8, not only because I started with it, but also for real life reasons. I currently have college entry exams to study for, and spending that time learning a new engine (or even layout and functions of newer versions of game maker) is simply not worth it. I much prefer studying for the exams and making games with an engine I'm already familiar with to unwind, rather than learn something unnecessary and not even make a game out of it.

Interesting, that is similar to why I haven't bothered with GM Studio 2 (completely new and arguably clunkier interface).  It makes a lot more sense knowing that it is 8, I had forgotten that it used such a similar loading bar.