Photosynthesis City: Right away, the bass line uses blue notes that add color and flare to the city scene you are painting. The guitar that adds in adds a fun-ness and excitement that makes this track a “city” theme rather than a “town” or “village” theme. I like the flute melody when it comes in - giving context to the unique bassline.
Firefly Town: I like the bells sound you use- it definitely adds to the sense of place that you were striving for. I am imagining a small dark village like a Sleepy Hollow with many twinkling firefly lights. The flutes and strings make a sound that is round and comfortable. The kick drum adds an interesting rigidity to the otherwise laid-back rocking feel, but I think that it is functioning kind of like a softer snare drum would- allowing it to be like a night time march.
Overall I think that you achieved your goal of making tunes with a strong sense of place. While there are some dissonances here or there, the overall feel of the pieces really helped me imagine the towns/cities you were writing for. Good work and thank you for sharing!