Thanks! I might do a write up on the island generation later because I do think it's turning out pretty good. But real quick, for the basic landmass I start from the middle and do a drunken walk up to a predefined number of tiles. Then repeat that two more times. Repeating it fills out the shape more and makes it create a more rounded island. Only doing the drunken walk once or twice gives you more of a long, thin shape.
To find the center of the island for the volcano, I start from the outer edge of the largest landmass and keep working inward until there's nowhere else to go. There's a technical name for the algorithm, but I forget what it is.
For the shoreline, again I start from the outer edge tiles of the island and then recursively mark the walkable neighboring tiles of each one as a shore tile also, using a lower chance of success to continue each time.
Like I said, I'll try and write up something more detailed later in case none of that made sense. :)
The algorithm name I couldn't remember is "Inside Buffering". Here's a picture of how it works, taken from here...