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It's not a rape scene, its a "kill the monster attacking the girl" scene. It's an interesting story point with a rather odd turn of events afterwards. So far, that is the only scene with imagery like that as well, so no worries as of right now about seeing more content like that.

(1 edit) (-8)

You lier,why would you lie to me? Why say something like that?you could have said that this avn isnt for my taste but you go out of your way to lie to me,i was happy after reading your comment and try it myself.

Most horrible experience,it's too much dark for my taste,i ain't criticizing dev for this,but oh my gosh it almost give me nightmare,and theme is also so creepy,and character are like some sort of pyschopaths,this all is nothing too bad but just awful for me.

But you lie to me about that scene,not only just that girl(MC's sister) get raped by that weirdo spider alien but also is pregnant,and that's where I put end of line,it's not NTR since that outright rape,but still something nobody would like to see,i deleted this crap immediately,you shouldn't have lied to me.

Not only she is raped but now pregnant with some alien child,this is too much I'm never trusting anyone's words from now on.


Not only was she NOT raped, but if you had actually gone through her story after that, you would have learned that she is NOT pregnant, just has some of the symptoms of pregnancy. Jumping to conclusions like that is going to cause you no end of grief in life, and you should learn to actually check facts before claiming that someone is lying.


I'm sorry for coming harsh on you,but this avn ain't for me it's plot is too dark and it looks like dev has some wierd creepy sense of humour,i m out.


This isn't an airport so nobody cares about your departure announcement.

Don't like the game?  Don't like what's depicted or it scares you?  Don't play it.

Coming here, calling people names, crying about things that aren't even in the game and then broadcasting your departure, get real.  Nobody owes you anything, so go get bent and kick rocks dude.


who are you motherfucker?who invited u here to comment nonsense?who the fuck was talking to you loser? When no one is interested in talking to you, coming blubbering nonsense get the fuck out, loser,what i like or not is my choice what's their your ass issue with it, did you get your gay bf  filled your ass with something so that's why you have too much pain in the ass to shit here your nonsense,go and do your work,you pole of dog shit,i have never seen much more of shitty asshole loser than you in my life,get a life asshole fucker.

This is a public comment board in case you were too busy crying about dumb shit not even in the game and looking for somebody to wipe your ass and hold your hand to bother to notice.

Who are you calling a loser?  All you do is create multiple accounts and repost the same garbage on the exact same pages.

What happened to your Greatchad22 trolling account?  Did you get banned for being a worthless retard on the site?  


oh so for a stupid cuck like you blubbering your shit on others for no reason,just a execuse of a human being a filthy low life animal now it's a public comment board? When I was writing my comment,it was not at that time? Fuck you and keep your shit to yourself dumb bitch.

And who the fuck  now is this Greatchad22?,now you are accusing me of being someone else? What's your issue, loser? Any special problem to accuse people for no reason?A shit retarded scumbag like you,get yourself checked loser and stop commenting on others comment,not directed for you.

Thank you for the apology, and I apologize myself if I came across a bit rude during my last comment. And regarding the other guy being a trolling flamer, just ignore him. As for your question about Greatchad22, they're someone who just so happens to have a similar account name, and all they ever posted was disrespectful and degrading comments on games they didn't like. I have personally run into issues with them, but they haven't posted in a month and a half, possibly due to being banned for toxicity (cannot confirm).

oh it's okay bud,i know how to handle these types of weirdos,i sometimes have some issues with an avn but i don't put my shit upon them,if they don't misguide or mislead,here dev is upright about things in his avn,which is always a good thing,it's my own fault to misjudge the avn,and guys like him and whatever that other guy he was talking about are just known for forcing their shit on others.


I might have actually been offended, if all your barely legible drivel didn't look like it had been translated from ancient stone tablets.

Hooked on phonics much?

bro nobody lied are you mental?