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Hello, sorry for the late reply, don't get me wrong I mean unity is good I use it in my work because  most of the game studios or agencies that make simulations use unity. Thus for my personal project I use godot for a couple of reasons here's s why:

- Open source so you can fix bugs or add features

- No license so you don't own godot anything 

- you can add your own logo(in unity you need the plus or pro version to do remove the unity logo)

- Uses a node system which I think is more convenient than the component system in uunity

- fast to prototype, for example in unity to create a simple timer you neeed to create a coroutine with IEnumerator and call WaitForSecodns(), in godot you simply add a timer node and connect the signal (signals are just a callback function) 

- godot uses gdscript which is easier than C# 

yet for 3D I would still use unity because godot still lack a bit in performance for 3D games but with the release of godot 4 with vulkan this will change, it's still now in beta 

I hope that my explanation was clear and that I didn't type a lot of non sense :p 


Thank you for response mate. It's actually way more detailed answer than I expected. And I completely understand the points. I'm gonna learn about the node system. Maybe I will use Godot too. Huge thanks!