You've done a great job realizing the famicase concept. The game would probably do very well on mobile platforms.
Quick thoughts
- It could really use in-game tutorials, or at least a pop-up hint system.
- I wasn't clear on how some of the mechanics works like the repair between stages.
- Also, I initially did not understand what recycling stage was for as I couldn't use it while I had a single unit.
- I wasn't clear on how some of the mechanics works like the repair between stages.
- Really wish you were able to interact during combat somehow.
- Issuing basic orders would be nice, like hold position or focus fire on a particular unit. I'm aware there's items that control target priority, but I feel it'd be better left in players hands. Alternatively you could go for a simple visual scripting system, like the gambit system in Final Fantasy (ex. IF HP Low THEN Retreat). It's frustrating to lose a run a couple of stages in simply because you're unit targeted a far away enemy.
- You could also add triggerable abilities (repair, air strike, flee battle, etc) with a cool down of X stages to balance them. They could be tied to the specific characters to make choosing a one more relevant.
- I feel the upgrades should be shared across all characters, unless you plan on adding character specific talents/skills.
- Some actions should have a confirmation prompt, I often accidentally did stuff like swapping unit positions and applying an item to the wrong unit.
- The UI is a bit too complex. I found it hard to understand the information I wanted, like what the DPS of a unit would be if I added a certain item.
- Also it'd be nice if I could hover over UI symbols to get text explanation of what it is.
- More stage types with stronger risk vs reward elements would be interesting. Like the kind of thing you'd see in Slay the Spire.
- Need a button to manually end a run, perhaps styled like a self destruct button for fun.
- Maybe consider making more use of the characters, for example they could say things during combat (including hints). As well as, something like the unique abilities I suggested previously.