Congrats on finishing your game! Pulling together so many people can be tough, so well done!
You nailed the overly dramatic tone and build up with that opening cinematic. I thought the cutscene backdrops were AI generated, but you don't mention that in the credits (that I noticed). Did you or someone on the team create all these by hand? That's pretty cool if true.
The voice acting did wonders for this. I thought Nyx was a little stiff compared to the Narrator/Taylor, but it still felt a lot better than a lot of other games out there. Though having some way to pause dialogue would have helped... there was a lot of it and I had to restart once because I had a real life thing come up during the opening.
For all the setup and buildup, the gameplay didn't quite get there for me. The premise is fine, but the pacing was a bit too slow for a jam game. I didn't realize that you could upgrade your core stats from the menus for a few runs and was getting frustrated by not being able to clear like level 6 or 7 in the factory. To that end, it felt like the game was asking for a little bit too much time compared to what it introduced. The game would feel a little more engaging and snappier if the stages were shorter, rewards were better (but less frequent). Right now, it feels like it requires a bit of grinding/farming to get anywhere in the Mausoleum since the enemies do significantly more damage without dropping more rewards.
With jam games in particular, a lot of players will want to play a variety of games instead of diving really deep into a handful. Designing your game with depth in mind is great, but making sure your players can experience that depth as quickly as possible is really important. And with your lengthy (but thematically appropriate) intro cutscene, the gameplay progression just felt too slow.
Still, y'all made a really cool game in just a month. This is absolutely the type of game you could find publish on a store if it got a proper year of development devoted to it.
Be proud. You made a game in a month and it's pretty darn cool. Keep making games!