You include codes for a lot of these and yet it's not clear what some codes are. What is Di, MC, or FC? what are c-boys?
Currently, if you go out to the street you can only recruit for you to work. When I go outside, why can't you send them inside to work with an unoccupied worker? I'm forced to service them even if there is a mismatch between gender and preference.
A couple of other problems have also emerged.
1) There's a LOAD choice on the first sceen, but no way to save the game.
2) I made the mistake of changing it to full screen and wasn't able to change it back. I tried full screen simply bc the windowed version is tiny, and unable to be resized. But, even overwriting the game doesn't change the fact that I'm now forced into full screen with no way to change it.
3) My preferences are randomly generated, why can't I choose some of my preferences? I could see limiting my choices, but just randomly being forced into a preference is unfortunate.