Nice work! Really impressed you put together a trailer and leaderboards (with video!) too. At the time of this comment, I am currently on the leaderboards for every level on the Easy and Medium difficulties! Unfortunately, I couldn't get up the Hard area although I did give it a fair shot. I read your tip here in the comments about using Space + Rocket Jump to get extra air, that was super helpful and should be in your game, maybe just after the tutorial area, I'd say. Also loved the music choices, rad stuff.
Okay, a tad nitpicking here but there's something about the rocket which seems a little... slow, maybe? Maybe it doesn't add in the player's currently velocity or acceleration, but it seemed like sometimes I would outpace the rocket I just fired, which made things sometimes hard to coordinate. I wanted to suggest obstacles you could blow out of the way, making the rocket launcher serve two purposes, and giving the player some choices to make.
I also would have loved a key, like Ctrl, to simply fire the rocket toward my feet as that's the most common move, and I could keep an eye on where I was going, which would have helped things be a little less disorienting. Although maybe that clashes with the idea of how a rocket jump works in games that might have one.
In any case, I had fun, and got drawn in, played for a while. I'm impressed!