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(1 edit)

as Killian said the love potion is the opposite to the hate potion and increases enemy like. the love potion also allows for scenes with certain characters, some of them dislike you using it while others don't really care.

the ones that don't care are Feliar, Xer, Barrel, Blake (i believe he doesn't but might so I need to recheck him) and Harold if you don't rob him blind during the scene.

I'm pretty sure the only ones who are excluded from the "no dislike after the potion" are 2 people them being Bernard and Korg, Bernard likes you less after the potion is done and Korg completely fucking despises you after you use it because of his experience with Viccoria. 

Thank you for the heads up regarding Bernard and Korg! Does the potion also raise the like for random enemies such as the Ratkin, or is that purely done in the more traditional way?

works with ANY enemy. long as they can have like increased it works on then!