No problem at all. I'm pretty new to the site and I really appreciate your interest. One of my other games has been downloaded a lot more, but I think this one has generated the most comments and that's pretty interesting. It tells me something about what kind of games I should make more of... But what, exactly?
This is my first game specifically written to not be fun. At all. It's written too be frustrating, upsetting, possibly excruciating for some people. Maybe the point is that I should do more serious games. Already working on one in the new transformative role-playing game design program at Uppsala University. It uses a dyimg bear and her soon-to-be-orphaned cub to try to build empathy for animals, stereotyped people, and the terminally ill. That one's going to need a lot more testing before I let kids anywhere near it.
What is it that made you excited to read this game? That would probably be helpful to know.