So I am having this problem after putting the code in my project.
When I press and hold the "Jump" button again while in mid-air, I somehow get a sudden downward momentum and bring my player much faster than the up movement.
It also happens when I time the jump to the frame when the player becomes grounded in which case the player jumps at a higher speed than normal.
At first, I thought it was because I was using the old Unity input system. So I changed it to the new input system with the "context.called" thingies just like in the code but I am still having problems. It also happens after limiting max air jumps to zero, setting to no variable jump height and disabling both jump buffers and coyote time.
So yeah, I am at a complete loss on how to fix this for the past few days. Any clue on how to fix this would be greatly appreciated. (Think I need to change something in the new input manager?)