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It depends on which of the downloads you got.

The prepackaged versions of the game—the ones labeled "Windows" or "Mac"—should just work once you unzip the zip file and run the program inside.

The ".love file" version of the game, however, contains a .love file that needs to be opened in this separate program.

In general, though, you shouldn't have to do much to run the game. If you could tell me more about what happens when you try to run the game, that may help me figure out what the problem is.

i tried both instaling it with the itch app and downloading to play the app and when i click either of them they just star loading like if they were to open but then nothing happens

If you could, try downloading the program I used to make the game, and see if that works on its own. It's been updated to a slightly newer version than the one that is bundled with the game, and if I remember right, the new version fixes some glitches that could prevent it from starting on some computers.

If that program works on its own, you may be able to use the .love file version of the game to play it. (To tell if it's working: launching it should show a simple test animation made by its developers.)

If the same thing happens, though, the problem may be with that program instead of my game, and there may not be much I can do about it.

I hope that helps :(

(I'm planning on updating to the new version at some point, but I haven't gotten to it yet, sorry.)