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I do believe you threatened me first so if you want to "kill" me or have your friend "Mike" whos an "assassin" try to kill me then go ahead. You come find me. You literally just spouted completely disputable evidence that is completely subjective. You act like a scared child who's trying to buff up to scare someone off because they bit off more than they could chew. You can't do anything because once again. You hide behind a computer belting insults at people who work hard for what they want while you sit there and wait with your hands out to be fed like a baby bird. Grow the fuck up and come find me and make true to your threats. Otherwise, shut the fuck up. Nice job calling me a man slut. What's next? Are you gonna call me gay? A f*ggot? The N-word? I've heard them all and they have zero effect. Try me. Make due on the threats and when your friend tries to get off the hook using his supposed license to kill or his "FBI friends" then that's fine. Corruption in the government is easily dealt with. Grow the fuck up. First, it's mystical earth powers and now it's you killing me in one or two punches with an "assassin" friend who could get off the hook with his "FBI" friends. Best to quit lying now and apologize to Devo. Don't be part of the internet's lying problem. You're just another worthless person hiding behind a screen lying about their life to seem cooler and like the greatest thing since sliced bread. But in all actuality, you're worth no more than the mold that grows on the bread. Get a life or a job instead of lying about unbelievable things and cussing out people who work hard.


Yeah, well I don’t give a damn about what the hell you’re trying to say about me because this is what I think of it

I’m rubber your glue all the insults you have thrown at me, have bounced off of me and permanently stuck to your ugly face because you have the ugliest looking face on the planet. I’m pretty sure about that and every girl you tried to have sex with all responded saying who in the right mind, would everyone have sex with some ugly piece of shit like you I’m pretty sure had more sex with girls than you ever had. 


Now you're using fifth-grade rebuttals... and bringing sex into it... Pretty sure people who actually know how to argue and are mature don't believe in mystical earth powers, lie about having "assassin friends", lie about government corruption, use fifth-grade insults, and bring sex into the equation as a true show of "power". You're some dumb little kid, aren't you? Either that or you're out of your mind. My point still stands and you're wrong. Leave Devo alone you self-centered, piece of shit, asshole. Go try your sub-par arguing skills on a three-year-old and come back to me when you actually wanna argue. Grow up you dumbass.


yeah no shit I actually don’t believe in any of that bullshit not do I believe in violence because all violence does is add more fuel to the fire and cause suffering so I’m gonna be the better man and just drop the damn subject and move on with my life cause the violence isn’t worth it nor does it solve anything so you take care and have a happy new year dude