Ok, great. Thanks for letting me know. I'll leave a comment on your Youtube so others can see it. Also, you're welcome. In regards to the second description for the second password, I'm sorry it's still confusing.
When you're in the Error scene if you look at the background, you'll see that some of the words aren't spelled correctly. There are several of them that have an A, B, C, etc. even though they shouldn't. Also, the Errors with the changed letters aren't green.
So, for instance, in the photo there's areas in some of the Errors that are circled to show the additional A's in the first row. Counting them, you'll find there's 7. So, that's the first number in the password. If you look under that row and at the Errors that have a letter changed to B, you'll find there's 3. So, then that's the second number in the password. You continue on with that until all the changed letters in the rows are counted and you'll have the full password for that area.
I hope that makes sense now.