Ah hey! I remember you from the meat video. Thanks again for the bug reports and suggestions; I'll take note of these. The artist who did the creature animations is working pretty quickly, so hopefully she can take care of the remaining character animations in time for the next demo, and then I can fix up the collision bugs.
Did you use the same gamepad last time? Nothing has changed in terms of gamepad support, so it should work... one possibility is that the game may have gotten confused if you had two different controllers plugged in at the same time. I don't have a wired X360 controller to test with, but I've used a Dualshock 3 and 2, and both worked. Come to think of it, next time I'll add debug messages for controller plug/unplug events, because that would be useful to have in the build.
And yeah! Fez and Undertale are my two favorite games, excluding childhood stuff. Questionable taste by /v/'s standards but I'll stand by it.