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This is fun. I also liked how you extinguish the torches just to have them re-lit again. I also found the game rather easy once I figured out that blood makes enemies suspicious and you should clean it after you kill someone. I eventually ended up showing myself to one enemy at time, drawing them from the group to a corner, hiding for a second to get them back to unaware (they loose interest really, really quickly) and then instakilling them with sneak attack.

The techniques are cool, but I never really needed anything but Harvest. I used Vanish once or twice to get out of trouble, but I would survive even without it. Conceal and Meditate have unfortunately never seen use.

Overall, I really like how this game works - the stealth mechanics are solid and even though the enemies let you come close enough for a sneak attack a bit too easily, I liked executing them in a fountain of gore. :)

(1 edit)

First of all, thanks a lot!

About your last point ... i had it work differently until a day before the submisson: if you ended your turn in a tile adjacent to an enemy they would spot you. This mechanincs alone redefine the whole game and you had to think twice before move. A friend tested it, didn't understand it and kept asking "why do enemy spot me even in shadow?" ... that's solid and i could not come up with a better solution then to remove it. It's easy, but that's not as bad as i though 8p.

Someone mentioned difficulty levels, i'm thinking about a future release where the "one tile spot" could be in maximum difficulty.