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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Hello there, I made some screenshots :D - feel free to add them to the steam page if you want :P (i will also make a video about the full game when the time comes)


Hey Daniel thank you these are great! I am curious about how you were able to unpossess the player's pawn. I wasn't aware that unreal allows console commands and debugging in shipping builds. 

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Good question 😉, there are "multiple ways" to unlock the console in UE4 games, one of them being using the Unreal Engine Unlocker. EDIT = i almost forgot about something important, there's a game breaking bug in the demo that occurs when the window downstairs breaks, if the player doesn't wait for Stacey to leave the PC automatically and leaves manually the screen will go black with no fix other than loading the save.

(1 edit) (+1)

I see, that's cool I'll have to check it out for myself. I feel naked with all my code exposed hahaha. Edit = I have fixed that bug for the full release. I have seen a few people run into it.