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were u born blind of became later on? Whatever your case it's extremely hopeless since i don't know why you commenting completely utter nonsense which doesn't even fit in here to context.

I simply put a question mark' if that's not enough to tell you that it was a question that it's that type of typical avn or not, how's that spreading hate,being judgemental or acting like kid?

Here only kid is you,who's not liking someone telling the thing u like isn't what you actually think it is,first grow up kiddo,then i will think about arguing with you,since you have brain of a child i will ignore your bullshit comment.


bruh again with the judgemental, listen calling you judgemental isn't an insult I am not sure why you took it that way, also never called you a child and a Question mark could mean a few more things than just a question, either way, I'm not gonna defend the guy who makes the games practices but it's a decent story and I was just saying it's not all that ridiculous to have to spend a while romancing a character or have a character that sleeps around be the one that hooks up with you first. 

I just say your being judgemental over the characters in the game and you start throwing a bunch of personal insults my way, you are also overstating my appraisal of the VA, it's a decent game not but I'm saying I love it. It isn't really productive to convince someone by throwing a bunch of insults at them. so chill just a bit man, I know this is an internet comment section but all that hostility over the slightest criticism, mind you of your own criticism.

 look man if you live in a glass house don't throw stones when you start criticizing things it opens your criticism up  to be criticized in tern.