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Thanks for playing my game, really appreciate that ๐Ÿ’Œ

I have actually made pretty much the original stories with other games. If you can just look at my page, besides Primary Color Man, all the games are original. "Mote", "Shunned", "Opacity", "Sunken", those are just 4 at top, where the story is completely different and original. Now, this one does rely on a "P.T." looping hallway, but I don't think the twist is not original, as the game basically is about genetic manipulation and the character's struggle of going through the same loop as if cloning every single time the same person - himself - that's the core for this story. 

I might sound a bit defensive, sure, but my stories are original and different. The only reason why I am not too keen on crafting them every time is the result. I mean, "Mote" and "Sunken" are 2 games, which story wise take a different approach to horror, while the results A.K.A. download numbers and views are minimal. You see game like "Enclosure", which is purely short and cheap horror, 100% a spoof, yet it got over 8K downloads, so you tell me mate. And, I am not a person of likeness and popularity, not really obsessed with being at top and all, but yeah, sometimes you "have to" make cheap horror to gain attraction and maybe then, after a while put out something original. 

Sorry for the long comment, I hope you read and understand this. Best to you and your channel! Cheers ๐ŸŽ‰


lol i know you make original content bro i literally just ment around the mundane/ relatable jobs or workplace your games are great i wasn't meaning to say your not original, if that's how it came across,โค 


Lol, no ๐Ÿ˜…. I always enjoy your commentary man. 

And to be frank, I had an idea, which I am keeping a secret, but yeah, the next game might be a super regular, more relatable, monster focused game. 

Cheers man ๐Ÿค

sounds amazing can't wait!