Nice game and world building! I got immersed and wanted to find out more about the characters as I played along. Here's some feedback that I thought maybe could be applied to another project if not a later update:
- I found myself not quite trusting the game to deliver packages at the right times, because I was aimlessly going around in any direction. At first it was nice controlling the boat, but when I realized there is no point, I just kept the same direction pressed and it was far less enjoyable.
- I feel like a bit of level design could have helped make it feel that I am the one finding the packages, rather than the game delivering them to me at random, altho the pacing felt right. Perhaps keeping the map along the coast would have made more sense - there would be a clearer sense of direction and there would be no question as to why there are more packages in a certain direction, plus there would also be a reason to control the boat around obstacles. It would also be an aid to the storytelling in that we are going North or East or whatever. As it stands, it is just random and it's easy to see through the procedural generation - while a coastline would help suspend the disbelief in favor of the story.
- This is a pure matter of artistic decision making but I would have totally expected to be blown up by enemy aircraft by the end of the game.
Anyway thanks for the wonderful little game!
Best wishes, H.