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(2 edits) (+1)

Yeah, I did 18 loops and still going, with 4 Iron Will in the team. I'm calling it over and maybe taking a break or trying some new strat (maybe not using Wyrmlet, since it's always in my teams).

The good thing is, it requires a LOT of thinking even now. Like, it's not easy. I have to plan my routes and I have to switch well in battle. It's not simply "start the battle and wait".

For feedback and data, the most powerful enemies against this team are Thorn and Emitter. Sometimes Plagued and Faceless can also be problematic.

In general, I think enemies should gain Spd too, going further into the runs. And maybe even reducing their Mana costs. Not much maybe, but a bit. I think I would have died, that way.

QUESTION: Does the Unraveling Prism remove the Invulnerable condition? Is "Invulnerable" consider a buff? I didn't understand if it was, when some enemies had it. If it does, and the enemies reduce their mana, this Iron Will madness could not work anymore. More enemies that silence you could also work.

Anyway, here is the final screenshots, just for posterity, but I'm not going further with the run.