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(1 edit) (+1)

Good job making your game in a weekend dude, I didn't actually get past the sea bacteria type bit, the collecting food got a bit monotonous and the controls felt a little clunky, plus the enemies popping out of nowhere was a bit unfair, it would have been nicer if they came from the side of the screen or at least gave a "tell" when and where they were going to appear so you had time to get out of the way, that was a little unfair.  The art was really nice though, I liked that! Kudos.


Thank you for your comments.

The enemy appareance should be fixed as soon as the jam is over, about the controls, are made intentionally:  you get more control over the character movements with each level you advance.

About the collection, i will polish it too to ask for more points to evolve which every level, perhaps asking for 10 more each level.

I think i surpased the average skill needed because those tons of test i made to refine the system, but i'll consider all your observations.

Thank you for playing and for taking the time to give me your kind feedback.


Thanks for responding, that's a fair comment on the controls :) It was kinda where you introduced the controls with a jump which was kind of useless in that stage, it might be worth holding that one back and bringing it in later when jump is actually usable :)


Exactly, when you are an evolved fish, you can dive using down key, but it's the only time (at this point) when the down button is used.
Before being an evolved fish you just had to wait for gravity to take you down.
I hope you want to play it later on when i polish the game and upload a new version.
Thank you again,


I've followed you so I get notification when you release an update :) I'll give it another bash then!