This is great! Once I figured out the way energy worked and what actions could be combined into one turn, I realized how elegant system it is. I like how you can carefully sidestep and dance around your enemies, even though it can be a bit cumbersome when you only have to run down a corridor.
I also thought that the Void will be an instakill, so I was pleasantly surprised it only slowly drains health. I eventually hoarded some medikits and camped out in the Void for a short time as the rest of the players in the last room exhausted their ammo and I could then finish them without the risk of getting shot at from multiple people. :)
It's fun, polished, the Void looks really cool and the energy system is interesting. It's rather easy if you play carefully, but could become much harder if you don't find any weapon near the start and have to survive unarmed.