Really enjoyed this VN, all the philosophical discussion including.
Minor Spoiler warning:
The whole discussion with we first met Bradbury, I kept thinking "yeah, ok. That's all true for (me/Isaac). But isn't it the same for you? If you can create an AI capable of perfectly copying a person to the point it believes itself to be a person, how can you be sure you ain't one yourself? Have you ever cut Open your skin/skull and had a look beneath? Even then,I meant unless Mary is right about Abilities being a proof of soul AND you have an Ability, you can't be sure you aren't a simulation of "Bradbury". If your own conviction doesn't count, you can always be a biological simulation of your self. If Cogito ergo sum can be a programmed thought, as Bradbury claims, no one can be sure if they are "real".
(If ppl are interested in this, have a look at the zombie argument)
End spoiler
No complaints about the writing, just something I felt I had to share.
I enjoyed it, keep up the good work!