A nice memory game, good work! I was able to reach the end, after a few impatient fails where I moved into a passing ghost too soon. It’s simple but fun, and could maybe work as a mobile game as well.
I hit two issues: after failing on one of the levels, it seemed to run a few times before I could get back to the game flow - this might be because I hit enter too soon or too many times (i have a fast key repeat speed on my keyboard which might have made it worse). The other issue is I finished with ‘0.0.0’ time - maybe I was just too fast? haha I doubt it.
Some ideas for taking this further: maybe wider levels (more than 3 across), or maybe adding some coins/something to gain instead of just ghosts to dodge. For example, you could have a row that’s [“empty”, “ghost”, “coin”] so the player could go for the coin as well as the empty space. Just some ideas if you want to keep going!
Nice work, and thanks for making and sharing the game!