I really love the overall vibe NeveN has~ :) it's fun to read, the setting is familiar yet fresh, and the story is compelling :3
Might I make the smallest of suggestions to a word xou used? I've been writing furry smut for a while now, and I always try to keep anthropomorphs as animalistic as possible, which leads me to deliberate over atomical differences and the right terms to use.
Xou use the word "Cloaca" for Tenoch, and while that is perfectly fine, both as an artistic decision and to make saurian genitals sound more animalistic, I think refering to it as a "Genital slit" might be the better choice "^__^
I personally use cloaca more for the naga I write about, as they use that single hole to do all their business, and I think that when xou consider the anthro form, a "Genital slit" becomes more appropriate as their intestines aren't connected to this passage. But 1nce again, that's just my 2wo cents n_n"
Great work as always, can't wait to see where the story goes~! :D