Hey there!
Guess the farm animals were bound to strike back eventually. lol I was not ready for the speed demon sheep.
Gameplay felt pretty solid. No issues with the controls. I kind of felt like I always wanted more ammo, but maybe I was too spammy with shooting. The different enemy types go a long way to make the gameplay more interesting. I think other abilities/mechanics in addition to shooting would take it to the next level.
Sound design was REALLY good. Maybe woulda been cool if there was a level in a barn or something; instead of the house, to give more farm vibes.
Blown away that you decided to use a brand new (to you) engine for a 3 day game jam. Way to go. This was my first jam, and I feel like there was definitely not enough time for me to learn anything new. haha
Edit: Obviously take any of my ideas with a grain of salt. I'm no pro