Thank you for your support! I’m glad that you enjoy the logs. Night will certainly be an interesting challenge.
As for games, I haven’t played anything seriously since “Silent Service 2”, until I checked “Uboat” recently. I’m not aware of many good games on the subject, except Silent Hunter and Uboat. But these are complex, realistic simulations, which is great if you have a decent PC and quite some time to sink into learning them.
In fact it’s partly why I decided to make Atlantic ’41. I was looking for a well crafted, accessible WW2 submarine game that would revolve less around the technical aspects, and more on the overall tactical and human experience of being a submarine commander. Also something that I could play anywhere, on a small laptop or console. And I couldn’t find any.
I guess you could try Silent Service 2, which is the grandfather of the genre, but even though I have immense respect for its creator Sid Meier, the game feels its old age. It’s a bit simplistic and clunky, and I’m not sure that I would recommend it today. I’ll post links in future logs if I stumble on something good.