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Moved this across from Realm Questions as it is more feedback than questions.


I've got a bucket of feedback. Before I start, I enjoyed it - the theme was cool, and it was my first "one way clock". There were what seemed to be a bunch of errors however. This is what I can remember from the Stream

POINT 4 (ABANDONED ALTAR) - there's no details of the fight for the DELVE beyond the enemy card.

POINT 6 (ECLIPSE WOODS) - Ran into several issues here.

  • The terrain in the Required fight seems to make no sense - permanent terrain basically blocks you and the enemies in. We removed some (the permanent terrain at B3 and C4), just so that everyone could move about. The Scout at A3 can;t move, and nor can the engraved! Even with that we ended up in a weird situation where the only place for the scout to move and attack was their own trap. 
  • The status of the required fight is unclear -Is the intention that you have to fight it as soon as you enter the point, or only if you want to access the other actions?
  • It's not entirely clear if the Fight is meant to get reset when you die/Rest? Given its only purpose seems to be to set up the second Fight, it felt odd that you could theoretically do it multiple times by resting/dying - and that if it's not "optional" (in that you can move on rather than face it) you have to do it every time you come through point 6, even if the camp has already been raided.
  • I'm not sure how intentional it was, but the cramped environment in the Camp fight meant I was immediately trapped in the bottom corner by the soldiers blockading B4. This might be operating as intending, mind. I managed to take them out thanks to a combo of Bottled Blizzard and Great Axe combo but it was very close.
  • Finally (and this is a taste point rather than a "bug"), the Callers are very odd enemies. The fact they don't have an ADJACENT action meant they couldn't inflict Harm particularly, but they are annoying to kill. The one in the first fight worked... okay? But given how cramped that fight was it was an easy matter to run up to the caller and the scouts and just prevent them doing any damage because their minimum range is 2. In the second fight, it was also notable that the blizzard ability penalised the soldiers as well as the engraved - making the caller a liability to their own side

POINT 7 (STORM GIANT) - This was a cool fight, very different to the previous two Realm Lords. It had the feel of a boss fight which was very cool. Some other things that came up however were:

  • On a 6, the Storm Giant does Freeze and Smash, but there's no indication of which columns it smashes. We just assumed it was a mispring and ignored the smash which might not have been intended. 
  • I wasn't entirely certain on the timing of the powers so went back to the rulebook. My assumption is that SMASH and THUNDER are "harm causing actions" meaning they take place during the Harm phase of combat, and that FREEZE is meant to take place before the Engraved moves. It might be worth making this more expicit.
  • Finally, I got hit by FREEZE twice in row 2 while stood in front of the Storm Giant and it wasn;t clear what to do - given the Storm Giant is permanent terrain. I think in retrospect that the wording "moved one row closer to the Storm Lord, if possible" implies I should have stayed where I was (as the Storm Giant spaces are permanent terrain) but the engraved can't stand on Permanent Terrain so... is there an optimal response? Given the fight is all about positioning it felt odd to just stand on the permanent terrain and keep whaling on the storm giant.

CARDS:The card for Sun's Wrath appears to have a typo in that there is a "3 - Move 1, Harm 1" entry and a "3-4 Move 3, Harm 1" entry. 

Also - purely another taste point rather than bug - the Storm Rune seems very potent. I've not got a huge number of runes to compare it to but 5 damage once a fight to everyone on difficult terrain feels super potent.

Regardless of the bugs, I had a lot of fun with the realm. The most fun fight was probably the Rime Knight on the drawbridge which presented a meaty tactical puzzle and again ended in a fun "both of us go over the side of the bridge but I get the item" climax.