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The green looks lovely! In fact, since you have not paired a green with a red your page should even be color-blind accessible to some extant. I too share your frustration with Itch's tag system. While it is certainly better than steam's, it still leaves much to be desired. I will usually search through the adult, erotic, and gay tags in that order. I do this to try and find any games that have gay sexual content but haven't labeled it as such. This can sometimes help when the game only features a single m/m path and the rest is straight. I have found that this at least helps me cast wider net than just the gay tag. Still, it gets tiresome looking through all the extremely generic straight games. It truly is apparent with those two games, because-from my experience with them-they have exactly the same content just different stories and characters. I would assume queer would fit better for both as the main character and one love interest each can be non-binary; however, they both feature a main character that can have any gender expression or sexuality with love interests for most gender expressions as well. That should imply that the Lgbt+ tag would be better suited, but it is entirely up to the developers who-more often than not-have never published a game on the platform before or have only published a few while not being avid consumers on the platform as well. I'll look through my collection and see if there are any I know of that you don't have. In the meantime; there are two discord servers I know of that might help you, the first is the SbA discord which features a "smexy games" list that has almost entirely gay Itch games, the second is the 'Homotextual gaming guild' which is used as a combined discord server for a lot of gay text adventure developers

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I'll answer soon, today if I don't forget! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas! 

Did we talk about Venom = hot? If so, I've found 3 really nice pictures I would like to share~ Ahh, yes we did indeed hehehe 


You really don't have to worry about answering. I think the conversation came to it's natural conclusion, and if we keep going we may end up with a thread so long and off-topic the dev might just delete our comments. However.... those venom pictures do sound tempting...

Well, you're right, but I've done this exact same thing for months with someone else on here until we moved to Discord. Nobody did or said anything.

You seem to enjoy talking (to me, maybe) and I do too, so if you want we can move to another platform. Are you okay with Telegram or Discord? I'd feel bad leaving it at that. You wrote a lot and I'm sure at least something interesting, as you've done until now. If you don't want to it's fine, no need to feel obliged.

Oh yeeees there are some really neat pics of his "flexible" body scattered all over the web! Unfortunately very few to basically none are like the movie version.

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I'm sorry if my last comment came of curt. I can be as skiddish as a doe with fawns when it comes to social interaction and I am afraid that that can make me slow to respond and quick to leave. I've been trying to push myself to get better and I believe that this would be an excellent step forward. . I'll admit to never having had active correspondence with someone before, however I shall endeavor my best. Thank you for your patience with me, I'm trying to unlearn my bad habits as best as I can.

Please stop apologizing so much, it's embarrassing and really unnecessary. The more you describe yourself, the more I see myself in that character analysis. lol

Good luck in your endeavor (;