I’ve been putting off playing the demo because I didn’t want the anticipation for the final game’s release to kill me. But oh my god I should have played this when I first downloaded it two years ago. What immediately drew me in was the art, the style is so whimsical and gorgeously perfect for the slice of life genre. I was then hooked by the quirky introduction to the main cast, which I immediately fell in love with and would continue to fall further in love with as the story progressed. All of the characters have their own charm, are each lovable in their own way, and feel like living breathing people. I felt myself relating to B a lot and began cheering them on as I progressed in the game. By the end of the demo, I was honestly not expecting to cry, but that last conversation with B and C really got me. This game was such an experience to play and I will wait patiently for the final game release. Amazing work, I can’t wait to see where their story ends.