I've now played through the game twice, reaching endings A and B – I wonder if there are any more?
My biggest issue with the game was the language – it was awkward, with some misspellings and grammar/word choice issues. This could really use a proofreading, preferably by another person, fluent in English. (That being said, the issues were not serious enough to affect the understanding/gameplay - just the presentation.)
With that out of the way, I had some fun with this brief game. If it's your first effort in Twine, I think it isn't bad at all! The mini-world model with multiple locations to visit and the light puzzle at the end were nice touches. I also appreciate colour-coding the dialogue for different characters. I found the story amusing, with zombies acting just like regular people – it wasn't at all what I expected.
I found one bug/issue with tracking items – if you select „Leave this room to find the other things.” in the lab, you then see the item overview screen again. At that point, I had the cookie I had already given to someone back in the inventory, and had to go through the process of giving it to the same person for the second time.
Thanks for sharing your game!