Get the home harem and trigger sam's revenge path. When you see Ryan cheat at the club go to sam and talk about Ryan. Once you do the game will ask you if you want to tell Sam what Ryan did. DO NOT TELL SAM. Next wait till her wedding. At some point in the scene you will be given 3 options go to the bathroom, go dance with Sam, or go for a walk. Choose go for a walk. Sam will find out Ryan cheated then she will want to smash you to get revenge. Accept it and her revenge path will trigger. The next part is a bit tricky. DO NOT SET SAM TO GF. Meet Emma and start her route. At some point Sam will ask you if you want to date her or be friends with benefits. Choose to stay friends. Max her out then at some point while meeting Sam AT WORK she will trigger the home harem Sam route. If you have successfully got the home harem with Bree and Sasha she will ask for a Threesome. Talk to Sasha and Bree about it then if they agree ( they will) call Sam while in the living room. Your welcome 😊