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I found this game today and played it till i leave Zara and i want to give a quick feedback. (I'll complete the feedback, when i'm done)

I love the game. It is an interesting setting. The fact that you can navigate yourself through the ship is also very good, so you can decide for yourself which character you feel most like. The design of the characters is also very well done. Both the girls on the ship and all the others you meet along the way. The characters of the girls are also very well done and you sympathize with each of them after a short warm-up phase. They all have a loving character (some more than others xD) that you just have to fall in love with. The story itself is nothing new, but it is super implemented. There is never boredom and it remains exciting. I like it very much and would not want to change anything, because it has its own charm, which makes the story so special. 

One thing I have noticed so far, however, which makes it a little boring for me. And that is the variety in the boobs. With the girls on the ship, you only have the choice of big, bigger, even bigger, and way too exaggerated. There's no variety there. I would have liked to have variety, between big, small, flat chest, normal, etc. The first time that variety came was in the Zara Arc. A bit late, but I was still happy that there was finally one with not so big breasts. Do not get me wrong, I like big breasts, very much even, but if all have the same and it then degenerates into much too exaggerated, I find that even no longer beautiful.

But that is also my only point of criticism that I have. Otherwise, you do really very good work. I'm looking forward to continue playing after the holidays and then wait for more great updates. I hope my criticism wasn't too harsh. Still, I hope it is taken note of. :D

Thanks a lot for your work! 

Edit: I stand by all my statements. It is a great game! After all, not much has changed. Story remained very interesting and exciting. I especially liked the story with Sybil.  I look forward to the next updates. (I do have one hope though. And that is that you can still do nice things with the 3 devils. xD)