For Wands in the Aether, I um. I took out the GM? And the crews. And the equipment. And the positioning/effect framework...and the playbooks...and the die outcomes.
It's gm-less and only has 6 actions (fight, flee, flirt, steal, sneak, summon). It uses Facade Dice. Oh also I changed stress so when you fill it up you choose a consequence from a list and start over (consequences like lash out at a friend, fumble a spell, etc). The only things really left intact are
- the actions being in categories that you roll to avoid consequences
- long term project clocks and downtime actions that help you manage stress or seek out assets between jobs
I'm still tweaking it, but yeah I stripped a lot of meat off there. My usual design philosophy is to always make a game smaller if I can, so there you go lol.