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(1 edit)

Genuinely fascinating puzzle game! At first I was quite confused about how it worked, and was a tad overwhelmed by all the icons appearing everywhere, but the simplicity of the early levels formed a good tutorial to build up an intuitive understanding of the mechanics (great job on that). The "overwhelmed" feeling quickly dissolved once I had a grasp on what was going on, and then I was hooked.

The last few puzzles were nicely challenging (the very last one was easier but was EPIC), and they made good use of the learning from the earlier puzzles. I think the difficulty curve was perfect (at least it was for me, personally). Overall, the game is compelling and I really enjoyed it.

On top of all that, the images/backgrounds were pleasant to the eye, the movements were snappy, and the music fit well.

After reaching the end, my only thought is "I want more puzzles". Excellent!!

P.S. I just can't get over how cool it is that directional movement is tied to an object that you can place. It's such an interesting puzzle mechanic!

Couldn't resist making this into a happy face lol