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I have been sitting on this idea for an anthology project for a long time, that I'm starting to wonder if might be better suited for a Game Jam?

The premise in a nutshell is, "Pro Wrestling RPGs." Tabletop RPGs and LARPs built around, or meaningfully involving, My Favorite LARP, Professional Wrestling.

I have several wrestling-themed games I've been meaning to finish that I've wanted to publish in an anthology together alongside works of other creators... but I'm starting to think that a Game Jam might be the better option. There are pros and cons to each approach, but I've never thought of it as a Jam before, and the idea is intriguing.

I do think this brings up another interesting discussion of the differences between putting together a collection and running a jam. I feel like the former presents a more comprehensible product in some ways, but the latter means you'll get input from people you probably wouldn't reach out to normally.

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The other major advantage of a jam as opposed to a collection is, a jam presents the opportunity for spontaneous design--something I noticed a lot of during the Sad Mech Jam. People who said "oh, these games are cool, what about a game where..." and then made a game. That's something you couldn't really get making a collection, and something that I think is really valuable to the community/hobby as a whole.