Progress, To-do's and Credits
What is done + credits:
- Food item sprites (original graphics by JuicyVitamin, sprites by me)
- Background graphics (original graphic by Game Art Guppy)
- Custom font (Kenney font + BMGlyph)
- Animation for fatso man (original graphic by eryprihananto, animation by me)
- Polka music (by Kevin MacLeod)
- Game logic to make chains of 3, 4 or 5 items, L shape and T shape chains
- Power up when creating L or T shape chains
- Power up to clear all items of one type
- Collect a number of items to complete a level
- Reach a target score to complete a level
- Loading level data from JSON files
- Saving game progress
- Main screen with menu and animation
- In-game menu
What needs to be done:
- More food items sprites
- Create a whole bunch of levels (+100) and tweak the difficulty level so it's well balanced between too easy and too hard
- Screen before starting a new level: Display level number, high score to beat, and goals to complete the level
- Screen after completing a level: Display score, high score, retry or go to next level
- Screen to list all levels: level completed (retry and beat your score), locked (see your progress and what's next)
- Add new items and new goals to make the gameplay more interesting
- Add juice: more and better animations and sound effects
What I will maybe do later, I'm not sure yet:
- Manage multiple save games (so you can let a friend play without screwing your own game)
- Configuration screen to set music on/off, sound effects on/off
- GameCenter integration
- Social network (post score on Twitter / Facebook, or beat your friend's score)
- In-app purchase (I will probably just sell the game at a very low price, but it may be free with possibility to unlock the complete game)
You can follow me on Twitter: @IncludeBeer