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Guys, game looks and sounds excellent but you forgot the main part of every game... Where is gameplay? I'm writing this comment while I'm flying because meteorites never hit the ship. I don't have to press anything and it's very sad.

The game could have been awesome, but the gameplay, or rather its missing, ruins it all.

The asteroids were intended to spawn randomly but the system got messed up and it had to be changed to a timer instead unfortunately. Glad you played it nonetheless :)


Hello Greym2

I get that you're upset but the gameplay is there maybe its a bit lacking yes you're not wrong , but saying it ruins everything is something else this was a team project and everyone tried their best I understand hard and harsh feedback and I'm not a snowflake and won't cry about it at all in fact I'll put in mind and try to improve...but we all worked hard on the game we worked on the asteroids two days before the jam ended and I had to remove the system because it was a bit broken I had to take a shortcut in order to submit in time (again I understand your criticism I'm not trying to roast you I'm trying to explain) besides that was my first time trying to attempt a project this big yes it was with a team but I was the one who programmed the asteroids and some major stuff in the game , what's sad isn't the meteorites whats sad is the amount of times I've headaches throughout the jam trying to make this project playable  and fun in some aspects and you made it feel that asteroids were the main part of all this I get how boring it is when you reach a certain height but please don't say it "ruins everything"  at least some stuff are worth praising like the sfx and the music and the level design or the models and the main menu and other things we all struggled to make this game!  

Thank you for your feedback and again I'm not trying to roast you or hate on you and I'm not upset about you calling our game "boring" in some parts , but this was a big team effort to make this game what it is today we truly tried our best!