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(2 edits)

Howdy excellent demo, minor note with the steam vr version and vive controllers ...  When holding a gun or object the pitch is not lined up with where I  perceive it should be.   Moving the pitch down by probably about 15  or 20 degrees would make it feel more natural .  As an example when I hold out a pistol and hold the controller in a natural way that feels level the gun is actually pitched up and is not level in the game.  Now going back in,  Amazing stuff!

Alignment's a true pain for me since I don't have any Valve tracked equipment.

Do your real Vive controllers align to the in game Vive controllers?

I had to do some fakery to align things, but I matched up the controller models at the laser point in the menus. Basically the model aligns so that the Oculus model in SteamVR matches my Oculus Touch tracking.

I could try a second version with the orientation based on your comment and see if it feels right. Gotta rely entirely on feedback and that's a worrying scenario.

(2 edits)

will see if the controller matches  when I get home from work and will have my son hold a level to give you a better guess on the recommended pitch adjustment. My guess is that the controller does match, the problem is that that angle of the controller is shalow, so when applied to a gun you have to pitch your controller down further to make the gun level beyond what would be required with a real gun