so, i really, really liked the first chapter because of the relation to the main character and unique ambiance. the composition of author's writing style, artwork, even main concept (it is rare to see polygamous relationships in visual novels) - all of this form a very atypical game. chapter 1 - 9/10
as for the second chapter, well, i found some differences: i still liked it a lot, but clearly it has a slightly dissimilar atmosphere - less abstract, i guess? i can relate this to the changes in author's language itself (it surely became better, but it differs from what it was before). also the first part feels a bit more complete when the second one, well, seems to be cut off in mid-sentence. besides, it's shorter than the first one. still, HITME is a project full of love and comfort, which obviously means a lot to it's creator, and that is what makes it so special to read. i liked the second chapter, but kind of in a different way - cause it made me feel different feelings. and that is good
belmo is a kitten btw meow meow. waiting for your new works like crazy